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Compiled and styled by over 100 women from around the world, 'Women In Livingness' Magazine contains back-to-back offerings from women from all walks of life, speaking openly and honestly about the issues that truly matter to women today.


In 2014 the concept of the Women in Livingness Magazinewas founded by Natalie Benhayon as an innovative expansion to the Women in Livingness brand and the growing community of Esoteric Women’s Health.


It is today a Magazine that is compiled and styled by a team of women residing in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Holland, Norway, Canada, and Singapore, delivering its readers a diverse view to explore openly and honestly all the issues that truly matter to women – with front to cover stories from of all walks of life.


In recent years our engagement with media has increased onto the world wide web, creating a culture of on-the-go reading, sharing, liking, and the new scene that just about anyone can become an author and self-publish through blogging and online communities. Consequently, the phrase “print media is dead” has been the subject
of many discussions if not threatening the industry that some say will all move to be only accessible via the internet. 


However, print media is not dead at all, what we are lacking and sorely searching for is quality in our printed media. The inspiration for starting this Magazine is founded on this element. 


We all know that women love magazines, they are nostalgic, it offers them not just something to read but a lifestyle to go with
it - sit back, relax, take time-out, and digest a magazine and its contents, and be reassured that many other women out
there are thinking and feeling the same things you are.

– Natalie Benhayon, Chief-Editor 

This initiative is comprised of women who collaborate for the magazine to deliver content with integrity, content that communicates to women that innately they are complete and not broken, and content that establishes a new way of education for women and men; that we get to the heart of our health and well-being and to the heart of how to live who we truly are…. 

Integrity in Media


This includes discarding the use of the unrealistic Photoshop adjustments – yes that’s right! The unique commitment of our team is – no Photoshop allowed. This means our photographers work extensively in various locations across Australia and Europe to capture the natural beauty, spark, and essence of women in their photography. Women in Livingness understands that the photos are an equally important part of the ‘message’ that will be communicated to its readers – we want women to be inspired by what they see and not judged for not measuring up to unrealistic body shapes and features. Our models are a combination of our writing teams and or other women a part of the livingness community who volunteer their time so that our readers can visually connect and relate to the women who are experiencing similar issues and have found a true way to address them.

Photographers & Designers


Our team of writers and editors contribute articles from their personal life journeys and do so on a voluntary basis. They have been their own and each other’s inspiration through our worldwide community by having brought true change to the way they live and connect as women. Our motto – ‘write your walk’ – sees our teams committed to addressing the topical women’s issues first personally, enabling them to write from experience, expertise and wisdom.Women do not need to be “told” what to do by any latest trend, and our writer’s style is setting a new precedent for how women communities can connect, educate and communicate with each other.

Writers & Editors




Visit our WIL Magazine website to read more about this initiative and to downloand your free online reading copy.


The Women in Livingness Magazine in hard-copy print edition is available for purchase via the website.


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