
FOUNDATIONAL BREAST CARE is an international community of female practitioners established in 2016, with the core purpose of promoting the importance of breast care and breast health, and re-founding for women the deeper aspects that relate to the health of the whole woman.
All of the FBC initiatives provide an educational platform empowering and supporting women to explore a deeply known relationship they can have with their body and re-establishing that relationship as the norm.
Foundational Breast Care dedicates 100% of its profit towards this purpose.

The Wisdom of True Breast
Care is found Within
An inspirational Therapy for Women - What is the EBM?
The Esoteric Breast Massage (EBM) is first and foremost an energetic massage that is based on the understanding that parallel with the physical body is an energetic body and an energetic state of being.
Understanding the vital combination of these two is an interplay that can assist women to explore feeling well at a deeper level beyond just physical health. This foundation has inspired a group of practitioners to extend what is experienced by the treatments into the initiatives of FBC in order to support women to recognise how truly Sacred their relationship to their body and their breasts are.
This nurturing therapy for women brings focus to the energetic aspect of the body by facilitating a deeper connection to the inner part of herself which is at once very familiar but usually buried and overshadowed by all the daily activities, emotions and thoughts about herself and her life. It is a treatment that may help a woman re-establish a connection with her essential being, the love, stillness and power she is at her core, and by virtue of this process become more acutely aware of the level of regard and care that is needed for her breast health, and health or well-being in general.