Practitioner Network

Esoteric Women's Health shares a wide network of practitioners who provide support to women and a re-sparking of the inner-knowing that enlivens Health from Within.
The practitioners shared via our network through Esoteric Women’s Health are unified by a shared awareness and understanding that the current state of women’s health needs addressing with true care, support, love and healing. From this foundation, services are offered to support women to empower themselves in embracing real changes that impact emotional and physical heath, well-being and vitality.
They are committed to a level of self-care that ensures the quality and integrity of service provided for women is of the highest possible standard.

Every practitioner linked to by Esoteric Women’s Health is dedicated to their own healing, health and well-being and as such lives in a way that is true to themselves. This includes the ability to build vitality, enabling a natural joy to be part of daily life.
Universal Medicine Healing Therapies are offered by these practitioners who undergo comprehensive training and commit to ongoing assessment through the Esoteric Practitioners Association (EPA).
Exemplary Care - The EPA
The Esoteric Practitioners Association is the internal incorporated body for practitioners of the Universal Medicine Therapies, that lead with a standard of professionalism and integrity exemplary in the health-care industry. This could not be possible without the standard to which the EPA membership demonstrates a truly complementary relationship between practitioners of healing and medical professionals working together for the benefit of all.
EPA Members meet the standards of integrity and professionalism as represented in the EPA Code of Ethics and Conduct, and hence EPA Membership is a statement of what one lives and represents is the standard set by the EPA, and is a measure of trust and assurance for the public.​
The EPA is based on religious principles, esoteric practices and The Ageless Wisdom, as taught by Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.

Global Network
Practitioners aligned with Esoteric Women’s Health run their own independent clinics all over the world.
Australia & New Zealand
United Kingdom
USA & Canada
Hong Kong
Each practitioner linked to by Esoteric Women’s Health operates their own independent clinic. They are not Esoteric Women’s Health practitioners or staff but are united in their commitment to provide a true service to support women’s health and well-being based on the principles of The Ageless Wisdom, as taught by Universal Medicine. Esoteric Women’s Health provides links to these clinics to support people worldwide in finding a practitioner aligned with these principles. When you see a practitioner, the practitioner will be able to let you know more about the services they offer.