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A unique Festival, sponsored by Esoteric Women's Health, with social media workshops, parenting groups and more. A family and community event designed to educate, inspire and promote a true future for our girls.



Our Sister Initiative...


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The Girl to Woman Festival was an inspired Sister Initiative of Esoteric Women's Health, which for the past four years brought together volunteers from across Australia to collaborate and offer a rich and unique festival event that celebrates girls and women of all ages. Holding annual events in the Northern Rivers and expanding its reach to Tenterfield and Melbourne.  


Often, we are asked “who is” your role model? Who do you look up to? But the Girl to Woman team revolutionised the concept and asked men, women, girls and boys to consider first what role do they play in people’s lives? who may be looking up to them for wisdom, strength and guidance? And, what kind of model would they like to be for others? #WhoseRoleModelAreYou is the Festival’s successful and innovative brand that brought professionals, community members, parents, youth and family members together and inspired a #G2W Community to restore the important values of self-confidence and self-worth for our youth.

Girls today are navigating the many loaded messages of the media and society's interpretations of what a woman should be. It can be difficult for a young person who is finding their way in the world to develop a true sense of themselves without ending up lost in the worlds expectations of who they need to be and how they need to act.

The Festival may no longer be for now, but The Girl to Woman inspired initiative will remain as strong as ever in the hearts and lives of the people who were involved in all it had to offer.

There are enormous social pressures, in the face of a hyper-sexualised society, that is telling girls that they need to be everything but themselves. And hence, girls today are in desperate need of role models that are real and true so that they have the opportunity to know their own inner beauty and thus can celebrate themselves naturally. A girl that knows her value will be valued by others… those Role Models are found first at the grass-roots level of how we are with each other in daily relationships, the school ground, friendship groups and community.


The Girl to Woman team are initiating a new era for Girl to Woman from 2019 onwards, and this has meant for now a conclusion of the unique Festival. 


It has been an incredible journey with many moments of magic shared with Festival attendees of the years. As one G2W Volunteer writes:

We would like to take a moment to celebrate all of YOU and all the magic you brought to make G2W what it was. It was a Festival like no other. 

And wow did we know how to have fun.

We danced, we laughed, we hair-braided! We beaded with the elders, we sung out loud, we connected across generations, we made slime, (heaps of it!), we shared moments we will never forget. 

Most of all we celebrated each other, and what life can truly look like when we all come together to honour, cherish and adore the girls and women in our lives for who they naturally are.”


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